Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, April 20, 2009

Just for laughs

I absolutely LOVE this...anyone in need of a good laugh (one that will KEEP you laughing for a loooong time) should try this:
Open Google.com and type in "where is chuck norris" and then click the "I'm feeling lucky" button instead of the regular one. Read the whole page that comes up, you will just love it. I showed it to Clint on night when he was having a not so good day, and he couldn't stop laughing for probably over an hour. That turned into, "Lets find more jokes about Chuck Norris" (and trust me, there are THOUSANDS upon thousands out there...all hilarious). It's just too funny!

1 comment:

van den Eikhof said...

Hi Gigi,

I just happened upon your blog and decided to google chuck norris and I was laughing hysterically. Thanks for sharing a good laugh.
